Abbreviation | German Term | English Term |
A | ||
(am) | amerikanisch | American |
A | Armee- | Army (when next to a symbol)
A field unit, as opposed to Heer, which the general designation for the Army |
A | Brückengerät A | Type A combat bridge equipment |
A | Aufklärung | Reconnaissance |
AA | – | antiaircraft |
AAMG | – | antiaircraft machine gun |
Abt. | Abteilung | Battalion [Note 1] |
AHA | Allgemeines Heeresamt | General Army Office.
[The secretariat of the OKH and the Replacement Army (Ersatzheer), subordinate to the Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Army (Chef H Rüst u BdE). Furthermore, it incorporated the Inspectorates of the arms and the services, Army Judge Adovcate, Army Museum, and Chaplains' Section, as well responsibility for billets and training grounds.] |
AK | Armeekorps | (Army or Field) Corps |
ALR | Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment | Artillery Demonstration and Experimental Regiment |
Ammo | – | Ammunition |
AOK | Armeeoberkommando | the Headquarters of an Army |
Armd | – | Armored |
Arko | Artilleriekommandeur | Artillery Commander (brigade echelon artillery headquarters) |
Art | Artillerie | Artillery |
AT | – | antitank |
ATG | – | antitank gun |
ATR | antitank rifle | |
AuE | Ausbildungs- und Ersatz | training and replacement |
Ausb | Ausbildungs- | training |
B | ||
(b) | belgisch | Belgian |
B | Brückengerät B | Type B medium combat bridge equipment |
Battr | Batterie | Battery |
Bb, Beob | Beobachtung | Observation |
BDB | 'Brandenburg' | unit of the Abwehr (military intelligence) |
BdE | Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres | Commander-in-Chief of the Replacement Army |
BdO | Befehlshaber der Ordnungpolizei | Regional Commander of uniformed police (Orpo) |
Befh | Befehlshaber | Commander |
Befh HG or Berück | Befehlshaber rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet | Commander of Army Group Rear Area Security |
Bn | – | Battalion |
bo | bodenständig | static |
Brig | Brigade | Brigade |
Btl, Batl | Bataillon | Battalion |
Bty | – | Battery |
B.u.G. | Betriebsstoff und Gerät | Bulgarian |
Bulg | – | Bulgarian |
C | ||
C | Brückengerät C | light combat bridge equipment |
cc | – | cross-country |
Ch H Rüst u BdE | Chef Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres | Chief of Army Equipment and Commander-in-Chief of the Replacement Army |
Co | – | Company |
Col | – | Column |
D | ||
(d) | dänisch | Danish |
D | Division(s-) | Divisional (when next to a symbol) |
Decon | – | Decontamination |
Det | – | Detachment |
Dinafü | Divisionsnachschubführer | Division service commander |
Div | Division | Division |
DR, DRB | Deutsche Reichsbahn | German National Railroad |
Dulag | Durchgangslager | P.O.W. processing camp |
Dö | Deutschösterreichisch | German-Austrian |
E | ||
(e) | englisch | English |
(E) | Eisenbahn | railroad |
E, Eisb | Eisenbahn | railroad |
E-Bttr. | Eisenbahn-Artillerie-Batterie | railroad gun |
E, Ers | Ersatz | replacement |
EM | – | Enlisted Man |
Engr | – | Engineer |
Entg, Entgiff | Entgiftung(s-) | decontamination |
F | ||
(f), (fr) | französisch | French |
F.A.D. | Feldausbildungsdivision | Field Training Division |
Fest | Festung(s-) | Fortress |
FFK | Feld-Fern-Kabelbau | Field Trunk Wire Construction |
FH | Feldhaubitze | field howitzer |
Fhr | Führer | Leader, Commander, Chief Officer |
FK | Feldkabel | field cable |
FK | Feldkanone | field gun |
FK | Feldkommandantur | Military Government Field Commandant
(regiment or brigade echelon headquarters) |
Fkl | Funklenk | radio-controlled |
FL | Fernleit | remote-controlled |
Fla | Fliegerabwehr | antiaircraft |
Flak | Flugabwehrkanone | antiaircraft gun |
Flak | – | the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft forces |
FNK | Feld-Nachrichten-Kommandant | Field Signal Commandant |
FR | Fernrakete | long distance rocket (V2) |
Frhr. | Freiherr | Baron |
Fs | Fallschirm | Parachute / Airborne |
Füs | Füsilier | Infantry |
G | ||
(g) | griechisch | Greek |
G, Gesch | Geschütz | gun, cannon |
Geb | Gebirg(s-) | mountain |
gem | gemischter | mixed |
GenPi HGr | General der Pioniere einer Heeresgruppe | General Commanding Railroad Engineer Troops of an Army Group |
GFP | Geheimefeldpolizei | Secret Military Police |
GHQ | – | General Headquarters, non-divisional |
GK | Gebirgskanone | mountain gun |
gp, gep | gepanzert | armored |
Gr | Gruppe | Group, Force |
Gren | Grenadier | Infantry |
GruKodeis | Gruppenkommandeure der Eisenbahntruppen bei einer Heeresgruppen | Commander of the Army Group Railroad Engineer Troops |
GSO | (Beamte) | Government Service Official (civilian employed by the military) |
H | ||
(h) | holländisch | Dutch (Netherlands) |
H | Herbert-Gerät | box girder floating bridge equipment |
H, Haub | Haubitze | (gun-) howitzer |
H- | Heere(s-) | The Army. As distinguished from Armee, which is a field unit.
Heeres- units are General Headquarters (GHQ) units. |
HAA | Heeres-Artillerie-Abteilung | GHQ Artillery Battalion |
Harko | Höhere Artillerie Kommandeur | Higher Artillery Commander
(division echelon artillery headquarters) |
Heilag | Heimkehrerlager | Transit camp for P.O.W.s awaiting to be exchanged or returned home on medical grounds |
Hgr | Heeresgruppe | Army Group |
HKA | Heeres-Küstenartillerie | Army Coast Artillery |
HKAA | Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Abteilung | Army Coast Artillery Battalion |
HKB | Heeres-Küstenbatterie | Army Coast Battery |
HKAR | Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Regiment | Army Coast Artillery Regiment |
HMG | – | heavy machine gun |
Höh Kdo | Höhere Kommando | higher command (reduced strength corps headquarters) |
Hqs | – | headquarters |
HSSPF | Höhere SS und Polizeiführer | Higher SS and Police Chief |
Hun | – | Hungarian |
hvy | – | heavy |
I | ||
(i), (it) | italiänisch | Italian |
I, Inf | Infanterie | Infantry |
IG | Infanterie-Geschütz | infantry gun |
Ilag | Internierungslager | Internee (Detention) Camp |
Ital | – | Italian |
J | ||
(j) | jugoslavisch | Yugoslavian |
Jg, Jäg | Jäger | Light Infantry |
K | ||
K | Korps(-) | Corps (when next to a symbol) |
K, Kan | Kanone | gun |
Kdo | Kommando | command |
Kdt | Kommandant | Commandant |
Kdtr | Kommandantur | Headquarters or Station |
Kfz. | Kraftfahrzeug | motor vehicle |
KGr | Kampfgruppe | temporary combat group |
KK | Kettenkrad | 0.5-ton halftrack (halftracked motorcycle) |
kl | klein | small, light |
Kodeis | Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen | Commander of the Railroad Engineer Troops |
Kol | Kolonne | Column |
Korück | Kommandant des rückwärtiges Armeegebiet | Commandant of Army Rear Area Security |
Kp | Kompanie | Company |
KrK | Kreis-Kommandantur | Military Government Area Commandant
(battalion echelon headquarters) |
(kroat) | kroatisch | Croatian |
KStN | Kreigsstärkenachweisung | War Footing Table of Organization |
KVA | Küstenverteidigungsabschnitt | coastal defence zone |
KVGr | Küstenverteidigungsgruppe | coastal defence group, a sub-sector subordinate to a Küstenverteidigungsabschnitt |
KVUGr | Küstenverteidigungsuntergruppe | coastal defence sub-group, a sub-sector subordinate to a Küstenverteidigungsgruppe |
kz | kurz | short |
L | ||
l, le, lei | leicht | light |
L, Lw, (L) | Luftwaffe | German Air Force [But see also 'Ldw' below] |
Ldw, Lw | Landwehr | Militia (3rd Reserve) [But see also 'L' above] |
lg | lang | long |
LG | Leichtgeschütz | recoilless gun |
Lehr | demonstration and experimental unit | |
Li | Lichtmess | flash ranging |
LL | Luftlande | Air Landing |
LMG | – | light machine gun |
LS, Ls | Landesschützen | Militia, used as guard and watch units |
LSSAH | 'Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler' | Waffen-SS unit |
lt | – | light |
LZ | Leicht Zerlegbares Brückengerät | heavy combat bridge equipment. The "leicht" refers to the ease of assembling and disassembling the bridge. |
M | ||
M, Mörs | Mörser | (heavy) howitzer |
m | mittlere | medium |
MAA | Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung | Land-based Navy artillery battalion |
MB | Militärbefehlshaber | Army Military Commander |
mcl | – | motorcycle |
mcl w/sc | – | motorcycle with side car |
med | – | medium |
MG | Maschinengewehr | machine gun |
Mil.Gov.Comdt. | – | Military Government Commandant |
MKW | Mannschaftskraftwagen | motorized personnel carrier |
mot | motorisiert | motorized |
MKB | Marine-Küsten-Batterie | Land-based Navy coast artillery battery |
mot S | motorisierter Selbstfahrlafette | self-propelled carriage |
mot Z | motorisierter Zug | motor towed |
MTW | Mannschaftstransportwagen | armored personnel carrier |
N | ||
(n) | norwegisch | Norwegian |
Nachr | Nachrichten | Signal(s) |
Nachsch | Nachschub- | Supply |
Nbl | Nebel | smoke |
Nbl Tr | Nebeltruppen | Rocket-Launcher Troops |
Nbl W | Nebelwerfer | rocket launcher |
NCO | – | Non-Commissioned Officer |
O | ||
(ö) | österreichisch | Austrian |
Ob | Oberbefehlshaber | Commander-in-Chief |
OB | – | Order of Battle |
ObdH | Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres | Commander-in-Chief of the Army |
Off | – | Officer |
OFK | Oberfeldkommandantur | Military Government Headquarters
(division echelon unit) |
Oflag | Offizierslager | P.O.W. camp for officers |
OK | Ortskommandantur | Military Government Local Commandant
(OK I=Battalion echelon) (OK II=company echelon) (OK III=company echelon) |
OK (B) | Ortskommandantur | Military Government Local Commandant (Belgium)
(battalion echelon headquarters) |
OKH | Oberkommando des Heeres | Army High Command |
OKW | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht | Armed Forces High Command |
ops | – | operation(s) |
OR | – | Other Ranks (enlisted men, without NCO) |
Orpo | Ordnungspolizei | Uniformed regular police. Included Safety Police (Schutzpolizei = Schupo), Gendarmerie, Traffic Police, Waterways Police, Fire Protection Police, Civilian Air Defence Police, Technical Emergency Service, and others. |
org | – | organization |
O.T. | Ogranisation Todt | Todt labor force |
P | ||
(p) | polnisch | Polish |
Pak | Panzerabwehrkanone | anti-tank gun |
Pi, Pion | Pionier | (Combat) Engineer, Pioneer |
Plt | – | Platoon |
Pol | Polizei | police |
P.O.L. | – | petrol, oil, lubricants |
P.O.W. | – | Prisoner(s)-of-War |
Prop | Propaganda | propaganda |
Pz, Panz | Panzer | tank, armor |
Pz-Bef | Panzerbefhelwagen | command tank |
PzGren | Panzergrenadier | motorized infantry |
PzGren (gp) | Panzergrenadier (gepanzert) | armored infantry |
R | ||
(r) | russisch | Russian |
R.A.D. | Reichsarbeitsdienst | German National Labor Service |
RB | Reichsbahn | German National Railways |
Recon | – | Reconnaissance |
Res | Reserve | reserve |
RF-SS | Reichsführer-SS | Reichs Leader of the SS; also title of an Waffen-SS unit |
Rgt | Regiment | Regiment |
RHG | Rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet | Army Group Rear Area (Zone-of-Communications) |
RK | Reichskommisariat | civilian-administered occupied territory |
RL | – | rocket launcher |
RSO | Raupenschlepper Ost | fully tracked load carrier |
(rum) | rumänisch | Rumanian |
S | ||
(s) | schwedisch | Swedish |
(S) | Schützen | Motorized or armored infantry organized under the Panzertruppen Inspectorate. |
s, schw | schwer | heavy |
Sch | Schallmess | sound ranging |
Schn | Schnell | mobile, fast |
Schupo | Schutzpolizei | Safety Police. Regular urban uniformed police |
Sd | Sonder | special |
Sd Kfz | Sonder-Kraftfahrzeug | special military motor vehicle |
Sec | – | Security |
Sect | – | Section |
Sf | selbstfahr | self-propelled |
SF | Siebel-Fähre | Siebel ferry |
sF | schwere Fähre | heavy ferry |
Sfl | Selbstfahrlafette | self-propelled carriage |
Sich | Sicherheit(s-) | Security |
Slov | – | Slovakian |
SK | Seekommandant | (Naval) Coast Defence Commander |
SK | Schiffskanone | naval gun, (usually followed by year designed) |
SKC | Schiffskanone + Constructionsjahr/... | naval gun + year designed (This was also spelled as "Konstruktionsjahr") |
SKL | Schiffskanone Lang | naval gun, long |
SMG | – | sub machine-gun |
SP, SP'd | – | self-propelled |
SPW | Schützenpanzerwagen | armored personnel carrier |
Sqd | – | Squad |
Sqdn | – | Squadron |
sS | schweres Schiffbrückengerät | Heavy railroad combat bridge equipment |
SS | Waffen-SS | Nazi party military arm |
SS-DR | 'Das Reich' | Waffen-SS unit |
SS-T | 'Totenkopf' | Waffen-SS unit |
SS-W | 'Wiking' | Waffen-SS unit |
ss, sw | schwerste | super heavy |
St, Stb | Stab | staff when referring to the personnel headquarters when referring to the unit |
St | Stellungs- | static, permanent, entrenched, siege |
Stalag | (Mannschafts-) Stammlager | P.O.W. camp for enlisted men |
StK | Stadtkommandantur | Military Government City Commandant |
Strass | Strassen- | road |
– | Sturm- | assault |
StuGesch (StuG) | Sturmgeschütz | (self-propelled) assault gun |
StuHaub (StuH) | Sturmhaubitze | (self-propelled) assault howitzer |
StuPz | Sturmpanzer | assault tank (self-propelled, armored heavy infantry gun) |
T | ||
(t) | tschechisch | Czech |
T | Brückengerät T | combat bridge equipment of former Czech army |
TbK (aka Tbts K) | Torpedobootskanone | motor torpedo boat naval gun |
TT | – | torpedo tubes |
tele | – | telephone |
TN (TeNo) | Technische Nothilfe | Technical Emergency Service. A branch of the Orpo, i.e. the regular uniformed police. Some units militarized and subordinated to the military in occupied territories and army rear areas. |
(trop) | tropisch | tropical (but actually meaning for use in the desert) |
U | ||
(u) | ungarisch | Hungraian |
UFhr | Unterführer | non-commissioned officers |
Uts K | Unterseebootskanone | submarine naval gun |
V | ||
v. | von | |
VW | Volkswagen | light cross-country car (lit.: "People's Car") |
V, Versorg | Versorgung(s-) | service |
Verm | Vermessung(s-) | calibation, mapping, cartographical, survey |
Vpfl.A. | Verpflegungsamt | Rations Distribution Office |
W | ||
w/ | – | with |
w/sc | – | (motorcycle) with side car |
w/o | – | without |
Wa | Wacht | Watch (Military Police used for guard purposes.) |
WB | Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber | Armed Forces Military Commander |
Wfr | Werfer | (rocket-, grenade-) launcher |
WK | Wehrkreis | Replacement Army's Military District
(also known as a Corps Area) |
WLR | Werfer-Lehr-Regiment | Rocket Launcher Demonstration and Experimental Regiment |
Z | ||
zbV | zur besonderer Verwendung | for special purposes, for special use, special |
z Vfg | zur Verfügung | reserves (at the disposition of) |
Zg | Zug | Platoon |
– | Zug | railroad train |
[1] The word Abteilung has other meaings as well, for example: - Initially a Vermessungs-Abteilung was a company sized survey unit until mid-1941, when it was expanded to battalion size. - When used within the context of a headquarters, it means section. - When used within the context of military (or civilian) bureaucracies, it means department. - When used in conjunction with trains, it means compartment. |
See also:
Military Personnal Job Descriptions Military Personnel Billet Groups, Functions, and Ranks Discussed |