Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 28.03.2023
German Army

Abbreviation German Term English Term
(am) amerikanisch American
A Armee- Army (when next to a symbol)
A field unit, as opposed to Heer, which the general designation for the Army
A Brückengerät A Type A combat bridge equipment
A Aufklärung Reconnaissance
AA antiaircraft
AAMG antiaircraft machine gun
Abt. Abteilung Battalion [Note 1]
AHA Allgemeines Heeresamt General Army Office.
[The secretariat of the OKH and the Replacement Army (Ersatzheer), subordinate to the Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Army (Chef H Rüst u BdE). Furthermore, it incorporated the Inspectorates of the arms and the services, Army Judge Adovcate, Army Museum, and Chaplains' Section, as well responsibility for billets and training grounds.]
AK Armeekorps (Army or Field) Corps
ALR Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment Artillery Demonstration and Experimental Regiment
Ammo Ammunition
AOK Armeeoberkommando the Headquarters of an Army
Armd Armored
Arko Artilleriekommandeur Artillery Commander (brigade echelon artillery headquarters)
Art Artillerie Artillery
AT antitank
ATG antitank gun
ATR   antitank rifle
AuE Ausbildungs- und Ersatz training and replacement
Ausb Ausbildungs- training
(b) belgisch Belgian
B Brückengerät B Type B medium combat bridge equipment
Battr Batterie Battery
Bb, Beob Beobachtung Observation
BDB 'Brandenburg' unit of the Abwehr (military intelligence)
BdE Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres Commander-in-Chief of the Replacement Army
BdO Befehlshaber der Ordnungpolizei Regional Commander of uniformed police (Orpo)
Befh Befehlshaber Commander
Befh HG or Berück Befehlshaber rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet Commander of Army Group Rear Area Security
Bn Battalion
bo bodenständig static
Brig Brigade Brigade
Btl, Batl Bataillon Battalion
Bty Battery
B.u.G. Betriebsstoff und Gerät Bulgarian
Bulg Bulgarian
C Brückengerät C light combat bridge equipment
cc cross-country
Ch H Rüst u BdE Chef Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres Chief of Army Equipment and Commander-in-Chief of the Replacement Army
Co Company
Col Column
(d) dänisch Danish
D Division(s-) Divisional (when next to a symbol)
Decon Decontamination
Det Detachment
Dinafü Divisionsnachschubführer Division service commander
Div Division Division
DR, DRB Deutsche Reichsbahn German National Railroad
Dulag Durchgangslager P.O.W. processing camp
Deutschösterreichisch German-Austrian
(e) englisch English
(E) Eisenbahn railroad
E, Eisb Eisenbahn railroad
E-Bttr. Eisenbahn-Artillerie-Batterie railroad gun
E, Ers Ersatz replacement
EM Enlisted Man
Engr Engineer
Entg, Entgiff Entgiftung(s-) decontamination
(f), (fr) französisch French
F.A.D. Feldausbildungsdivision Field Training Division
Fest Festung(s-) Fortress
FFK Feld-Fern-Kabelbau Field Trunk Wire Construction
FH Feldhaubitze field howitzer
Fhr Führer Leader, Commander, Chief Officer
FK Feldkabel field cable
FK Feldkanone field gun
FK Feldkommandantur Military Government Field Commandant
(regiment or brigade echelon headquarters)
Fkl Funklenk radio-controlled
FL Fernleit remote-controlled
Fla Fliegerabwehr antiaircraft
Flak Flugabwehrkanone antiaircraft gun
Flak the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft forces
FNK Feld-Nachrichten-Kommandant Field Signal Commandant
FR Fernrakete long distance rocket (V2)
Frhr. Freiherr Baron
Fs Fallschirm Parachute / Airborne
Füs Füsilier Infantry
(g) griechisch Greek
G, Gesch Geschütz gun, cannon
Geb Gebirg(s-) mountain
gem gemischter mixed
GenPi HGr General der Pioniere einer Heeresgruppe General Commanding Railroad Engineer Troops of an Army Group
GFP Geheimefeldpolizei Secret Military Police
GHQ General Headquarters, non-divisional
GK Gebirgskanone mountain gun
gp, gep gepanzert armored
Gr Gruppe Group, Force
Gren Grenadier Infantry
GruKodeis Gruppenkommandeure der Eisenbahntruppen bei einer Heeresgruppen Commander of the Army Group Railroad Engineer Troops
GSO (Beamte) Government Service Official (civilian employed by the military)
(h) holländisch Dutch (Netherlands)
H Herbert-Gerät box girder floating bridge equipment
H, Haub Haubitze (gun-) howitzer
H- Heere(s-) The Army. As distinguished from Armee, which is a field unit.
Heeres- units are General Headquarters (GHQ) units.
HAA Heeres-Artillerie-Abteilung GHQ Artillery Battalion
Harko Höhere Artillerie Kommandeur Higher Artillery Commander
(division echelon artillery headquarters)
Heilag Heimkehrerlager Transit camp for P.O.W.s awaiting to be exchanged or returned home on medical grounds
Hgr Heeresgruppe Army Group
HKA Heeres-Küstenartillerie Army Coast Artillery
HKAA Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Abteilung Army Coast Artillery Battalion
HKB Heeres-Küstenbatterie Army Coast Battery
HKAR Heeres-Küsten-Artillerie-Regiment Army Coast Artillery Regiment
HMG heavy machine gun
Höh Kdo Höhere Kommando higher command (reduced strength corps headquarters)
Hqs headquarters
HSSPF Höhere SS und Polizeiführer Higher SS and Police Chief
Hun Hungarian
hvy heavy
(i), (it) italiänisch Italian
I, Inf Infanterie Infantry
IG Infanterie-Geschütz infantry gun
Ilag Internierungslager Internee (Detention) Camp
Ital Italian
(j) jugoslavisch Yugoslavian
Jg, Jäg Jäger Light Infantry
K Korps(-) Corps (when next to a symbol)
K, Kan Kanone gun
Kdo Kommando command
Kdt Kommandant Commandant
Kdtr Kommandantur Headquarters or Station
Kfz. Kraftfahrzeug motor vehicle
KGr Kampfgruppe temporary combat group
KK Kettenkrad 0.5-ton halftrack (halftracked motorcycle)
kl klein small, light
Kodeis Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen Commander of the Railroad Engineer Troops
Kol Kolonne Column
Korück Kommandant des rückwärtiges Armeegebiet Commandant of Army Rear Area Security
Kp Kompanie Company
KrK Kreis-Kommandantur Military Government Area Commandant
(battalion echelon headquarters)
(kroat) kroatisch Croatian
KStN Kreigsstärkenachweisung War Footing Table of Organization
KVA Küstenverteidigungsabschnitt coastal defence zone
KVGr Küstenverteidigungsgruppe coastal defence group, a sub-sector subordinate to a Küstenverteidigungsabschnitt
KVUGr Küstenverteidigungsuntergruppe coastal defence sub-group, a sub-sector subordinate to a Küstenverteidigungsgruppe
kz kurz short
l, le, lei leicht light
L, Lw, (L) Luftwaffe German Air Force [But see also 'Ldw' below]
Ldw, Lw Landwehr Militia (3rd Reserve) [But see also 'L' above]
lg lang long
LG Leichtgeschütz recoilless gun
  Lehr demonstration and experimental unit
Li Lichtmess flash ranging
LL Luftlande Air Landing
LMG light machine gun
LS, Ls Landesschützen Militia, used as guard and watch units
LSSAH 'Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler' Waffen-SS unit
lt light
LZ Leicht Zerlegbares Brückengerät heavy combat bridge equipment.
The "leicht" refers to the ease of assembling and disassembling the bridge.
M, Mörs Mörser (heavy) howitzer
m mittlere medium
MAA Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung Land-based Navy artillery battalion
MB Militärbefehlshaber Army Military Commander
mcl motorcycle
mcl w/sc motorcycle with side car
med medium
MG Maschinengewehr machine gun
Mil.Gov.Comdt. Military Government Commandant
MKW Mannschaftskraftwagen motorized personnel carrier
mot motorisiert motorized
MKB Marine-Küsten-Batterie Land-based Navy coast artillery battery
mot S motorisierter Selbstfahrlafette self-propelled carriage
mot Z motorisierter Zug motor towed
MTW Mannschaftstransportwagen armored personnel carrier
(n) norwegisch Norwegian
Nachr Nachrichten Signal(s)
Nachsch Nachschub- Supply
Nbl Nebel smoke
Nbl Tr Nebeltruppen Rocket-Launcher Troops
Nbl W Nebelwerfer rocket launcher
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
(ö) österreichisch Austrian
Ob Oberbefehlshaber Commander-in-Chief
OB Order of Battle
ObdH Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres Commander-in-Chief of the Army
Off Officer
OFK Oberfeldkommandantur Military Government Headquarters
(division echelon unit)
Oflag Offizierslager P.O.W. camp for officers
OK Ortskommandantur Military Government Local Commandant
(OK I=Battalion echelon) (OK II=company echelon) (OK III=company echelon)
OK (B) Ortskommandantur Military Government Local Commandant (Belgium)
(battalion echelon headquarters)
OKH Oberkommando des Heeres Army High Command
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Armed Forces High Command
ops operation(s)
OR Other Ranks (enlisted men, without NCO)
Orpo Ordnungspolizei Uniformed regular police. Included Safety Police (Schutzpolizei = Schupo), Gendarmerie, Traffic Police, Waterways Police, Fire Protection Police, Civilian Air Defence Police, Technical Emergency Service, and others.
org organization
O.T. Ogranisation Todt Todt labor force
(p) polnisch Polish
Pak Panzerabwehrkanone anti-tank gun
Pi, Pion Pionier (Combat) Engineer, Pioneer
Plt Platoon
Pol Polizei police
P.O.L. petrol, oil, lubricants
P.O.W. Prisoner(s)-of-War
Prop Propaganda propaganda
Pz, Panz Panzer tank, armor
Pz-Bef Panzerbefhelwagen command tank
PzGren Panzergrenadier motorized infantry
PzGren (gp) Panzergrenadier (gepanzert) armored infantry
(r) russisch Russian
R.A.D. Reichsarbeitsdienst German National Labor Service
RB Reichsbahn German National Railways
Recon Reconnaissance
Res Reserve reserve
RF-SS Reichsführer-SS Reichs Leader of the SS; also title of an Waffen-SS unit
Rgt Regiment Regiment
RHG Rückwärtiges Heeresgebiet Army Group Rear Area (Zone-of-Communications)
RK Reichskommisariat civilian-administered occupied territory
RL rocket launcher
RSO Raupenschlepper Ost fully tracked load carrier
(rum) rumänisch Rumanian
(s) schwedisch Swedish
(S) Schützen Motorized or armored infantry organized under the Panzertruppen Inspectorate.
s, schw schwer heavy
Sch Schallmess sound ranging
Schn Schnell mobile, fast
Schupo Schutzpolizei Safety Police. Regular urban uniformed police
Sd Sonder special
Sd Kfz Sonder-Kraftfahrzeug special military motor vehicle
Sec Security
Sect Section
Sf selbstfahr self-propelled
SF Siebel-Fähre Siebel ferry
sF schwere Fähre heavy ferry
Sfl Selbstfahrlafette self-propelled carriage
Sich Sicherheit(s-) Security
Slov Slovakian
SK Seekommandant (Naval) Coast Defence Commander
SK Schiffskanone naval gun, (usually followed by year designed)
SKC Schiffskanone + Constructionsjahr/... naval gun + year designed (This was also spelled as "Konstruktionsjahr")
SKL Schiffskanone Lang naval gun, long
SMG sub machine-gun
SP, SP'd self-propelled
SPW Schützenpanzerwagen armored personnel carrier
Sqd Squad
Sqdn Squadron
sS schweres Schiffbrückengerät Heavy railroad combat bridge equipment
SS Waffen-SS Nazi party military arm
SS-DR 'Das Reich' Waffen-SS unit
SS-T 'Totenkopf' Waffen-SS unit
SS-W 'Wiking' Waffen-SS unit
ss, sw schwerste super heavy
St, Stb Stab staff when referring to the personnel
headquarters when referring to the unit
St Stellungs- static, permanent, entrenched, siege
Stalag (Mannschafts-) Stammlager P.O.W. camp for enlisted men
StK Stadtkommandantur Military Government City Commandant
Strass Strassen- road
Sturm- assault
StuGesch (StuG) Sturmgeschütz (self-propelled) assault gun
StuHaub (StuH) Sturmhaubitze (self-propelled) assault howitzer
StuPz Sturmpanzer assault tank (self-propelled, armored heavy infantry gun)
(t) tschechisch Czech
T Brückengerät T combat bridge equipment of former Czech army
TbK (aka Tbts K) Torpedobootskanone motor torpedo boat naval gun
TT torpedo tubes
tele telephone
TN (TeNo) Technische Nothilfe Technical Emergency Service. A branch of the Orpo, i.e. the regular uniformed police. Some units militarized and subordinated to the military in occupied territories and army rear areas.
(trop) tropisch tropical (but actually meaning for use in the desert)
(u) ungarisch Hungraian
UFhr Unterführer non-commissioned officers
Uts K Unterseebootskanone submarine naval gun
v. von  
VW Volkswagen light cross-country car (lit.: "People's Car")
V, Versorg Versorgung(s-) service
Verm Vermessung(s-) calibation, mapping, cartographical, survey
Vpfl.A. Verpflegungsamt Rations Distribution Office
w/ with
w/sc (motorcycle) with side car
w/o without
Wa Wacht Watch (Military Police used for guard purposes.)
WB Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Armed Forces Military Commander
Wfr Werfer (rocket-, grenade-) launcher
WK Wehrkreis Replacement Army's Military District
(also known as a Corps Area)
WLR Werfer-Lehr-Regiment Rocket Launcher Demonstration and Experimental Regiment
zbV zur besonderer Verwendung for special purposes, for special use, special
z Vfg zur Verfügung reserves (at the disposition of)
Zg Zug Platoon
Zug railroad train
[1] The word Abteilung has other meaings as well, for example:
    - Initially a Vermessungs-Abteilung was a company sized survey unit until mid-1941, when it was expanded to battalion size.
    - When used within the context of a headquarters, it means section.
    - When used within the context of military (or civilian) bureaucracies, it means department.
    - When used in conjunction with trains, it means compartment.
See also:
Military Personnal Job Descriptions
Military Personnel Billet Groups, Functions, and Ranks Discussed
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