Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 26.11.2023
United States Armed Forces
Sources and Research Assistance
Army Air Force

David Aiken
Director, Pearl Harbor History Associates, Inc.
Thank you for your help with the USAAF order of battle for December 1941.

Mark Boland 1949–2015 (R.I.P.)
See his comments below [1]
Oxon Hill, Maryland
Many thanks for researching and providing the entire USAAF order of battle.

Susan R. Cross
Yucca Valley, California
Thank you for providing the Philippine Army data.

Jack McKillop
New Jersey, N.J.
Many thanks for your help with the USAAF order of battle for December 1941,
and providing the articles about the United States military aircraft designations.

Alan Nordin
Many thanks for your corrections to the 7 December 1941 USAAF order of battle.

Leatrice Arakaki and John Kuborn
"7 December 1941: The USAF Story"
GPO, Washington, DC, 1992

Lief Hellstrom
"The Philippine Army Air Corps"
Small Air Forces Observer, Vol. 20/No. 4, December 1996

Maurer Maurer (Ed.)
"Air Force Combat Units of World War II"
Office of Air Force History, Washington, DC, 1983

Maurer Maurer (Ed.)
"Combat Squadrons of of the Air Force, World War II"
Office of Air Force History, Washington, DC, 1969

Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate (Eds)
"Plans and Early Operations"
The Army Air Forces in World War II - Vol. 1
Office of Air Force History, Washington, DC, 1983

Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate (Eds)
"Men and Planes"
The Army Air Forces in World War II - Vol. 6
Office of Air Force History, Washington, DC, 1983

Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate (Eds)
"Services Around the World"
The Army Air Forces in World War II - Vol. 7
Office of Air Force History, Washington, DC, 1983

Army Ground Forces

Mark Boland [1]
Thanks for helping with the USA order of battle for December 1941.

The Coast Defense Study Group
Many thanks for providing information about the Coast Artillery Corps

Leo P. Brophy, George J. B. Fisher (Eds.)
"The Technical Services: The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War"
Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1959.

Steven E. Clay
"US Army Order of Battle, 1919–1945"
4 Volumes
Combat Studies Institute Press
US Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2010–2011

K.R. Greenfield, R,R. Palmer, B.I. Wiley
"The Organization of Ground Combat Troops"
United States Army in World War II
Historical Division, US Army, Washington, DC, 1975

J.J. Hays
"The Infantry Division 1940–1945"
Tables of Organization and Equipment
United States Army Ground Forces
Vols. 1/I - 1/III
Military Press, Milton Keynes, 2002

J.J. Hays
"The Armored Division 1940–1945"
Tables of Organization and Equipment
United States Army Ground Forces
Vols. 2/I - 2/II
Military Press, Milton Keynes, 2003

J.J. Hays
"The Airborne Division 1942–1945"
Tables of Organization and Equipment
United States Army Ground Forces
Vols. 3/I - 3/II
Military Press, Milton Keynes, 2003

J.J. Hays
"The Cavalry Division 1940–1945"
Tables of Organization and Equipment
United States Army Ground Forces
Vols. 4/I - 4/III
Military Press, Milton Keynes, 2004

J.J. Hays
"The Mechanized Cavalry 1940–1945"
Tables of Organization and Equipment
United States Army Ground Forces
Vol. 6
Military Press, Milton Keynes, 2005

G.F. Howe
"Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West"
The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
United States Army in World War II
Historical Division, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1957 (reprinted 1978)

Shelby L. Stanton
"Order of Battle, U.S. Army, World War II"
Presidio, Novato, CA, 1984

Louis Morton
"Strategy and Command — The First Two Years"
The War in the Pacific
United States Army in World War II
Center of Military History, US Army, Washington, DC, 1962

Louis Morton
"The Fall of the Philippines"
The War in the Pacific
United States Army in World War II
Center of Military History, US Army, Washington, DC, 1985

John Stanton
" Fort Wiki "
A work in progess, but already brimming with useful information.

Mark Skinner Watson
"Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations"
The War Department
United States Army in World War II
Center of Military History, US Army, Washington, DC, 1950 (reprinted 1991)

John B. Wilson
"Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Separate Brigades"
Army Lineage Series
Center of Military History, US Army, Washington, DC, 1987

US Navy

Don Bowen
Thank you for corrections and ammendments to the US Navy order of battle for December 1941,
as well as providing many of the names of the commanders and other helpful bits and pieces.

Chris Languell
Commander, USNR-retired
The Woodlands, Texas, USA
Resident expert for US Navy organization.

Robert McArthur
San Diego, California, USA
Thanks for providing the US Navy submarines data for December 1941.

Gene Oleson
Pensacola, Florida, USA
Many thanks for your expert help Gene.
See also his site Blue Jacket — United States Sea Service History and Graphics

Bev L. Saylor
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Many thanks for the continuing help with the US Navy order of battle for December 1941.

Christian Strachan
Copenhagen, Denmark
Thank you for your painstaking errata listing.

Celedonia A Ancheta
"Triumph in the Philippines"
Manila, 1978

VAdm H. K. Hewitt, Action Report: Western Naval Task Force—The Sicilian Campaign: Operation “Husky”
July–August 1943,
US Naval Administration in World War II
Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters and Eighth Fleet
Combined Arms Research Library, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, USA

Robert E. Johnson
"Guardians of the Sea"
USNI, Annapolis, MD, 1989

John B. Lundstrom
"The First Team"
= Pacific Naval Air Combat from Pearl Harbor to Midway =
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 1984

James L. Mooney [ editor ]
"Dictionary of American Fighting Ships"
History of the US Naval Operations in World War II
Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, various dates

Samuel E. Morison
"The Rising Sun in the Pacific"
= History of the US Naval Operations in World War II =
Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1988

Robert L. Scheina
"US Coast Guard Cutters and Craft of World War II"
USNI, Annapolis, MD, 1982

Stephen S. Roberts
Shipscribe: U.S. Navy Auxiliary Ships and French Warships

Stefen Terzibaschitsch
"Kreuzer der U.S. Navy"
Koehler, Herford, 1984

"Zerstörer der U.S. Navy"
Koehler, Herford, 1986

Walter G. Winslow
"The Fleet the Gods Forgot "
= The U.S. Asiatic Fleet in World War II =
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 1982

Tom Womaxk
"The Dutch Naval Air Force Against Japan (2nd Ed.)"
= The Defence of the Netherlands East Indies, 1941–1942 =
McFarland & Co., Jefferson, N.C., 2023

Tom Womaxk
"The Allied Defence of the Malay Barrier, 1941–1942"
McFarland & Co., Jefferson, N.C., 2016

US Marine Corps

Don Bowen
Also thanks for corrections and ammendments to the USMC order of battle for December 1941.

John Sayen (RIP)
Annapolis, Maryland
Thank you for providing the USMC Tables of Organization and much other related information.

Frank O. Hough, Verle E. Ludwig, Henry I. Shaw, Jr.
"History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II"
5 Volumes
Historical Branch, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, 1958-1971

Gordon L. Rottman
"U.S. Marine Corps World War II Order of Battle"
Greenwood Press, Westport, CN, 2002

Robert Sherrod
"History of the Marine Corps Aviation in World War II"
Nautical and Aviation, Baltimore, MD, 1987

Charles L. Updegraph
"USMC Special Units of World War II"
History and Museums Division, USMC, Washington, DC, 1972

Geographical and Background Data

"The 1997 World Factbook"
Military Maritime Command and Control System
(Developed and maintained for members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the
University of Texas at Austin site.

Philippine Army

Don Bowen
For corrections and ammendments to the Philippine Army order of battle for December 1941.

Susan R. Cross
Yucca Valley, California
Thank you for providing Philippine Army data.

Ricrado Trota Jose
"The Philippine Army 1935–1942"
ADMU, Manila, 1998
ISBN 971-550-081-0

[1] Mark Boland has this to say about his sources:
The National Archives, downtown — here is where I started researching back in 1974, after moving to Washington. I worked with one or two archivists on a weekly basis, who got to know me by name. Most of the War Department's textual records from 1940 onward are kept in the stacks (as they're called) in the Modern Military Branch of the Archives. In those musty old boxes are the records of the Adjutant General of the Army, who handled all correspondence within the War Department. I started out looking for a station list of the Army on 12/7/41, but got interested in many other documents along the way, like strength lists, unit activation lists, station plans, authorized strength, tables of organization, aircraft allocations, and so on. From here they suggest I visit the National Archive Record Center.

The National Archives Record Center, Suitland, Md. — here is where I research individual unit histories of both large and small units, but only Army Ground and Service units. If I wanted to research the Army Air Forces, I had go to either Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama or Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. For obvious reasons I chose Bolling. Bolling had copies of Air Force unit histories (from Maxwell) on microfilm. Note: NARC has since moved to College Park, Maryland.

The Air Force History Support Center, Bolling AFB, D.C. — here I poured through microfilm of unit histories from the Headquarters of AAF to smallest detachments. They also have unit histories of Arms and Services with the AAF, such as Chemical, Engineer, Medical, Ordnance, Quartermaster and Signal.

The Office of Military History, at various locations around D.C. — This place moved four times during the time I was doing research from 1974 to 1991. First it was in Fort McNair, then downtown in the Forestal Building, then to Massachusetts Ave, and finally in the Washington Navy Yard. I'm not sure but I think it's still there. They had the most complete set of Army Station Lists you ever saw. The first ones were listed in the Army Directory published by the Adjutant General from the 1880's to 1940. The Army Directory also listed all regular Army officers and their location. In 1941, they took the Station List out of the Directory and made it a separate book. This may be due the size of the army or the need to keep it secret. The army continue to publish station lists about every 6 months. The station list closest to 7 December 1941 was dated 1 November 1941, but it only contained units in the continental U.S. It turned out that the overseas station list for 1 November 1941 was on microfilm. The OMH also had Army Registers dating back to 1784, which listed army officers and their promotion dates.

The Army Library, at the Pentagon — I visited here on several occasions where I got information on War Dept General and Special Orders.

The Library of Congress, near the Capitol — another place I visited for a source of any book ever published since it was built.
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