Bibliography |
Published Works
(Books, Periodicals, Magazines) |
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Unpublished Works
(Material in archives, doctoral dissertations, unfinished projects, etc.) |
Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg i.Br. | |
Schematische Kriegsgliederung | The German Order of Battle issued about every week by the OKW throughout the war, unfortunately including only Axis allied units that were under German command, or those that had German units assigned to them.
RH31 | War Diaries of the Deutscher General beim Oberbefehlshaber der Kgl. Ung. Wehrmacht
RH19/I | War Diaries of Heeresgruppe Süd
RH19/II | War Diaries of Heeresgruppe Mitte
RHD 18/274 | "Orientierungsheft Ungarn"
OKH/Az.3a/n61 3.Abt.(IV), GenSt d H Nr. 1390/38 geh., dated 15.07.1938 |
RHD 18/275 | "Die ungarische Kriegswehrmacht — Stand 15.2.41"
OKH/OQu IV.Abt. Fr.H.Ost(I), GenSt d H Nr. 80/41 g.Kdos., dated 25.02.1941 |
RW7 | Selected files of the Wirtschafts-Intendanten z.b.V. / OKH
RW19/Wi/IF | War Diaries of the Wirtschafts-Rüstungsamt,
including the files of the Deutscher Wirtschafts-offizier in Ungarn |
Kart RH2 Ost | German Army daily situation maps of the East Front.
Honvéd Ministry | "Kimutatás az állománytestekröl, azok anyakönyvi alosztályalról és az állományvezetés szempontjábol valamely allómanytesthez utalt alakulatokról"
Érvényes 1943.X.1-töl, HM 63.963/eln. 1.ny. 1943. sz. rendelez. Ssz: 379/122.Kt.prk.1944 = Hungarian Order of Battle, dated 1.10.1943 = (copy in possession of the author) |
War Office, London | WO 208/752 Handbook on Hungarian Military Forces, 1945
Air Ministry, London | AIR 40/1205 Hungarian Air Force Analysis of first line strength and Order of Battle, 9 November 1943
National Archives, Washington, D.C. | Various portions of the
Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records, 1909 — 1945 |
Schwandorf i. Bay. |
Records from the registry office regarding Hungarian Divisions in April 1945 in Schwandorf, Oberpfalz in Bavaria
GRÖH, Susanna
"Die Ungarische Wirtschaft bis 1943" Doctoral dissertation, Esztergom, 1943 (located in the Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/Main) |
KÁLMÁN, Dániel
"Commanders of the Honvéd in World War II" Handwritten list, no date (copy in possession of the author) |
"Einsatz ungarischer Einheiten im April 1945 in der Oberpfalz" (copy in possession of the author) |
letter dated 1996 with revisions and updates of the book: "The Royal Hungarian Armed Forces 1919–1945" (copy in possession of the author) |
PAL, Darnóy
"Organisation der kgl. ung. Honved-Armee 1941–1945" Kameradschaft ung. Frontkämpfer, Munich, ca. 1964–1966 (copy in possession of the author) |
"Die 2. ungarische Armee im Feldzug gegen die Sowjetunion ein Beitrag zur Koalitionsfuhrung im Zweiten Weltkrieg" Doctoral dissertation, Wurzburg, 1968 (located in the Würzburg University Library, Würzburg) |
Private Correspondence and Research Assistance | ||
Csaba Becze, Hungary
Major Dr. Attila Bonhardt, Budapest, Hungary Darnóy Pál, Munich, Germany Hilary Louis Doyle, Sandycove, Ireland Dr. Ernst Fricke, Freiburg i. Br., Germany Fregattenkapitan Johann Horkisch, Freiburg i. Br., Germany Dezsö Ilinkay-Eggenhofer, Vienna, Austria Dániel Kálmán, Budapest, Hungary Charles Kliment, Pinceton, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Karl Kovendy, Entobocoke, Ontario, Canada
Andris J. Kursietis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Belá von Ebedfalva Lengyel, Graz, Austria Major György Markó, Budapest, Hungary Oberamtmann Brün Meyer, Freiburg i. Br., Germany Janucz Piekalkiewicz, Overath-Heiligenhaus, Germany Igor Svizshkov, Lipetsk, Russia Christopher A. Szabó, Bromhof, South Africa Dr. Sándor Szakály, Budapest, Hungary |
The entire Royal Hungarian Army project would have been stillborne without the magnificent work and strong support from
Captain Pál Darnoy, former General Staff officer of the Royal Hungarian Army.
It was also he who unstintedly answered my many questions, and freely provided copies of original documents
(and translations thereof), many of which he was entrusted with towards the end of the war and which he retained
in trust after the dissolution of the Hungarian Army in May 1945.
Thank you Pál. May you rest in peace. |