Abbreviation | Meaning | Explanation |
A | Artillerie | artillery |
AAMG | | antiaircraft machine gun |
AAPC | | Australian Army (??) Corps |
AASC | | Australian Army Service Corps |
ACM | | auxiliary minelyer |
AG | | miscellaneous auxiliary ship |
AGP | | patrol craft tender |
AGS | | survey ship |
AH | | hospital ship |
AM | | minesweeper |
AMc | | coastal minesweeper |
AO | | oil tanker ('oiler') |
Aooi | Adjudant onderofficier instructeur | Warrant Officer |
Art | Artillerie | artillery |
AS | | submarine tender |
AT | | transport |
Bg | berg | mountain |
Brig | | Brigade |
(cc) | | cross-country mobility |
CL | Commandant Luchtstrijdkrachten | Commandant - Air Forces |
CL | | light cruiser |
CM | | minelayer |
CML | Commandant Militaire Luchtvaart | Commander Army Aviation |
CMM | Commandant Maritieme Middelen | Commander Maritime Forces |
CZM | Commandant Zeemacht | Commander-In-Chief Naval Forces in the NEI |
DD | | destroyer |
DMA | Depot Mobiele Artillerie | Mobile Artillery Depot |
D.Vl.A. | Depôt Vliegtuiafdeling | Air Transport Sqaudron |
FF | | flagship |
GVT | Groep Vliegtuijgen | Naval Aviation Group |
HMG | | heavy machine gun |
HupVA | Hulpverbandplaatsafdeling | mobile auxiliary first aid detachment |
Hw | houwitser | howitzer |
jhr. | jonkheer | Honorific denoting the lowest rank within the nobility. |
IML | Inspectie der Militaire Luchtvaart Inspecteur der Militaire Luchtvaart |
Military Aviation Inspectorate Military Aviation Inspector |
KNIL | Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger | Royal Netherlands East Indies Army |
Ku | kust | coast |
KV | Kort Verband | short term volunteers |
Landwacht | rural volunteers not liable for military service | |
LAD | | Light Aid Detachment |
Ld | Luchtdoel | antiaircraft |
LH | Linker Half | Left Half (half of an infantry battalion) |
LMG | | Light Machine Gun |
LS | Landstorm | conscripts aged 32 to 55 |
Marechaussι | light infantry specializing in anti-guerrilla operations | |
MG | | machine gun |
Militie | Militia - conscripts aged 18 to 32 | |
ML | Wapen der Militaire Luchtvaart | Army Aviation of the KNIL |
MLD | Marine Luchtvaart Dienst | Naval Aviation |
Mtn | | mountain |
NCO | | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NEI | | Netherlands East Indies |
OV | overvalwagen | open-topped motor car fitted with armor plates. See here |
PE | | patrol boat |
PG | | gunboat |
PT | | torpedo boat |
RAAF | | Royal Australian Air Force |
RH | Rechter Half | Right Half (half of an infantry battalion) |
RK | Reservekorps | pensioned former servicemen |
SC | | submarine chaser |
Sect | | section |
SMI | Sergeant-Majoor Instructeur | Sergeant Major |
SS | | submarine |
Statwacht | urban volunteers not liable for military service | |
Vd | veld | field |
Vk.A. | Verkenningsafdeling | reconnaissance sqaudron |
Vl.A. | Vliegtuigafdeling | air squadron |
Vl.G. | Vliegtuiggroep | air group |
YB | | yacht |
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