Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 09.03.2020
British, Colonial, and Dominion Navies
Glossary and Abbreviations
... (A) Captain, Adrmiral, etc. (A). Officer in charge of aircraft carriers. For example, Vice-Admiral (A) is the officer commanding all carriers in that command.
(Also seen as AC.)
(act) Acting
ACOS Admiral Commanding Orkneys and Shetlands
AP    A/P Auxiliary Patrol
A.R.A.N.Z. Archives and Records Association of New Zealand
A/S Anti-Submarine
BNS Belgian Naval Ship
B.C. British Columbia (Canada)
C/F Coastal Forces
Com-i-C Commodore-in-Charge
Capt-i-C Captain-in-Charge
(CS. ...) Officer in command of a cruiser squadron. For example, Rear-Admiral (CS.1) is the flag officer commanding the 1st Cruiser Squadron.
(CSK) Chief Store Keeper
(D) Captain, Rear-Admiral, etc. (D). Officer in charge of destroyers. For example, Rear-Admiral (D) is the officer commanding all destroyers in that command.
(D. ...) Officer in command of a destroyer division. For example, Captain (D.3) is the officer commanding the 3rd Destroyer Division.
(DF. ...) Officer in command of a destroyer flotilla. For example, Captain (DF.6) is the officer commanding the 6th Destroyer Flotilla.
DNO District Naval Officer
(E) Engineer
(emgcy) Emergency
Engr Engineer
(F) Flag
(FF) Fleet or Flotilla Flag
FAA Fleet Air Arm (Naval Aviation)
FO Flag Officer
FOCRIN Flag Officer Commanding, Royal Indian Navy
FOIC Flag-Officer-in-Charge
FN French Naval Ship
HMAS His Majesty's Australian Ship
HMCS His Majesty's Canadian Ship
HMIS His Majesty's Indian Ship
HMS His Majesty's Ship
HMNZS His Majesty's New Zealand Ship
(hon) honourary
HrMs Royal Dutch Navy (Harer Majesteits)
KNM Royal Norwegian Navy (Kongelig Norske Marine)
LCOCU Landing Craft Obstacle Clearance* Unit   (* also seen as Obstruction Clearing)
LL Double Longitudinal. Equipment for sweeping of magnetic mines
M/S Minesweeper
Motor Ship
(M/S) Commander, Captain, etc. (M/S). Officer in charge of all mine sweepers in that command. (Also seen as MS.)
(N) Naval
NL Netherlands
N.S. Nova Scotia (Canada)
NOIC Naval Officer-in-Charge
N.T. Northern Territory (Australia)
N.S.W. New South Wales (Australia)
OIC Officer-in-Charge
Ont. Ontario (Canada)
ORP Ship or Officer of the Polish Navy (Okret Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej)
Payr Paymaster
Qld. Queensland (Australia)
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RCN Royal Canadian Navy
RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary (vessels owned by the Admiralty, with Merchant Navy (i.e., civilian) crews under naval discipline, augmented with Royal Navy personnel)
RHN Royal Hellenic Navy (Greece)
RIN Royal Indian Navy
RM Royal Marines
RMS Royal Mail Ship. Seagoing vessels that carry mail under contract to the British Royal Mail.
RN Royal Navy
Royal Netherlands Navy
RNN Royal Norwegian Navy
RNO Resident Naval Officer
RNR Royal Navy Reserve
RNTE Royal Navy Training Establishment
RNVR Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
RNVSR Royal Navy Volunteer Supplementary Reserve
RNZN Royal New Zealand Navy
(S) Commander, Captain, etc. (S). Officer commanding all submarines in that command. (Also seen as S/m.)
(S. ...) Officer in command of a submarine flotilla. For example, Captain (S.6) is the officer commanding the 6th Submarine Flotilla. (Also seen as S/m.)
S.A. South Australia (Australia)
SATS South African Training Ship
SOAP Senior Officer Auxiliary Patrol
SO Senior Officer
SNO Senior Naval Officer
SOE Special Operations Executive
SOMBB Senior Officer Mobile Balloon Barrage
S/S Sailing Ship (mercantile vessel)
Surg Surgeon
UK United Kingdom
Tas. Tasmania (Australia)
TBR Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance
Ty Temporary
Vic. Victoria (Australia)
W.A. Western Australia (Australia)
WO Warrent Officer. (British: Senior Non-Commissioned Officer; US: Warrant Officer)
WRNVR Women's Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
W/T Wireless/Telegraphy (radio)
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