Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 25.06.2019
French Navy
French Navy US Navy Equivalent
Designation Abbreviation Designation Abbreviation
Amiral de Flotte [1] G5 Admiral of the Fleet Fl.Adm.
Amiral Am. G4 Admiral Adm.
Vice-Amiral V.A. G3 Vice Admiral V.Adm.
Contre-Amiral C.A. G2 Rear Admiral (Upper Half) [2] R.Adm. (UH)
    G1 Rear Admiral (Lower Half) [2] R.Adm. (LH)
Capitaine de Vaisseau C.V. O6 Captain Capt.
Capitaine de Fregate C.F. O5 Commander Cdr.
Capitaine de Corvette C.C. O4 Lieutenant Commander Lt.Cdr.
Lieutenant de Vaisseau L.V. O3 Lieutenant Lt.
Enseigne de Vaisseau de 1re Classe E.V. (1e) O2 Lieutenant (junior grade) Lt. (jg)
Enseigne de Vaisseau de 2me Classe E.V. (2e) O1 Ensign Ens.
  [1] Rank created specifically in 1939 to be equal to the First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy.
  [2] On 8 April 1943 the USN G2 pay grade was amended to just Rear Admiral, abbreviated as R.Adm., and the G1 pay grade was redesignated as Commodore, abbreviated as Comd.
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