Supreme Headquarters (päämaja) | |
Commander Supreme Headquarters and Chief of the General Staff [1]
• Aide |
LTG K.L. Oesch
COL V. Oinonen. |
Commander of Naval Forces | MG V. Valve |
Commander of Air Defences | MG J. Linquist |
Commander of Home Forces | LTG L. Malmberg |
Artillery Commander (tykistökomentaja) | MG V. Svanström |
• Main Artillery Office (tykistötoimisto) | MAJ T. Tuukkanen |
• Infantry Weapons Office (jalkaväkiasetoimisto) | CPT A. Viitanen |
• Artillery Weapons Office (tykistöasetoimisto) | MAJ N. Kraemer |
Engineer Commander (pioneerikomentaja) | MG U. Sarlin |
• Engineer Office (pioneeritoimito) | LTC H. Uimonen. |
• Fortification Section (linnoitustoimisto) | MAJ A. Vansén |
• Road and Maritime Construction Section (tie- ja vesirakennustoimisto) | |
Signals Commander (viestikomentaja) | LTC L. Ekberg |
• Signals Section (viestitoimisto) | LTC M. Liede |
• Cipher Section (salakirjoitustoimisto) | LTC V. Veijola |
Gas Protection Commander (kaasusuojelukomentaja) | COL U. Poppius |
Military Police Commander (sotapoliisikomentaja) | T. Tarjanne |
Command Section [2] (komento-osasto) | COL E. Schauman |
• Personnel Office (komento-ja Henkilöasian toimisto) | LTC H. Wahren |
• Commandant of the SHQ (komendantin toimisto) | LTC K. Bruncrona |
• Signal Office of the SHQ (viestitystoimisto) | MAJ A. Rostedt |
1st SHQ Department (jaosto I)
Administration Officer |
COL E. Mäkinen |
• Organization Section (järjestelyosasto) | LTC S. Malmi |
— Organization Office [3] (järjestelytoimisto) | LTC G. Snellman |
— Personnel Office [4] (henkilötäydennysosasto) | MAJ L. Haanterä |
• Administrative Section (kallinnollinen osasto) | T. Tarjanne (civilian) |
— Legal Administration Office (hallinnollinen toimisto) | J. Rautapää |
— Military Police Office [5] (sotapoliisitoimisto) | MAJ M. Aarnio |
• Training Section (koulutusosasto) | |
— General Training Office (yleinen koulutustoimisto) | MAJ J. Nordgren |
— Tactical Doctrine Office (taktillinen toimisto) | |
— Military Bands [6]
Finnish White Guard Suomen Valkoinen Kaarti (Stationed at Helsinki) Pori Regiment Porin Rykmentti (Stationed at Turku) Uusimaa Regiment Uudenmaan Rykmentti (Stationed at Oulu) North Regiment Pohjan Rykmentti (Stationed at Kuopio) Central Finland Regiment Keski-Suomen Rykmentti (Stationed at Kouvola) Tampere Regiment Tampereen Rykmentti (Stationed at Lahti) Jäger Battalion 2 Jääkäripataljoona 2 (Stationed at Pieksamäki) Jäger Battalion 3 Jääkäripataljoona 3 (Stationed at Mikkeli) Jäger Battalion 4 Jääkäripataljoona 4 (Stationed at Joensuu) Field Artillery Regiment 1 Kenttätykistörykmentti 1 (Stationed at Hämeenlinna) Field Artillery Regiment 3 Kenttätykistörykmentti 3 (Stationed at Riihimäki) Field Artillery Regiment 4 Kenttätykistörykmentti 4 (Stationed at Vaasa) Engineer Battalion Pioneeripataljoona (Stationed at Kajaani) Cavalry Brigade Ratsuväkiprikaati (Stationed at Jyväskylä) |
— Defence Forces peacetime training schools, located at
Sotakorkeakoulu Sotateknillinen koulu Sotilashallinnollinen koulu Taistelukoulu Kadettikoulu Merisotakoulu Ilmasotakoulu Reserviupseerikoulu Aseseppäkoulu Kengityskoulu Kaasusuojelukoulu |
— Antitank Gun Training Center [7] (Panssarintorjuntatykkikoulutuskeskus) | |
2nd SHQ Department (jaosto II) [8]
Military Intelligence Officer |
COL L. Melander |
• Foreign Office [9] (ulkomaan toimisto) | LTC J. Hannula |
• Intelligence Section (tiedusteluosasto) | LTC Y. Pöyhönen. |
— Intelligence Office [10] (tiedustelutoimisto) | MAJ A. Kärkkäinen |
— Signals Intelligence Office [11] (viestitiedustelutoimisto) | MAJ R. Hallamaa |
• Counterintelligence Section (valvontaosasto) | LTC K. Rautsuo |
— Administration Office [13] (ilmoitusosasto) | CPT M. Reponen |
— Counter Espionage Office [12] (vastavakoilutoimisto) | MAJ M. Ropponen |
— Censorship Office [14] (sensuuritoimisto) | CPT T. Patoharju |
3rd SHQ Department (jaosto III)
Chief Operations Officer, also Chief Quartermaster (päämajoitusmestari) |
MAJ Gen A. Airo |
• Operations Section [15] (operatiivinen osasto) | LTC V. Nihtilä |
— Ground Forces Office (maavoimatoimisto) | MAJ E. Takkula |
— Naval Forces Office (merivoimatoimisto) | LTC N. Sario |
— Air Forces Office (ilmavoimatoimisto) | LTC V. Karikoski |
• Logistics Section (huolto-osasto) | LTC H. Roos |
— General Logistics (yleinen huoltotoimisto) | LTC J. Turtola |
— Railway Office (rautatietoimisto) | COL C. von Kraemer |
— Land and Sea Route Office (maan-ja vesitietoimisto) | MAJ Y. Haahde |
— Transportation Equipment Office (kuljetusvälineosasto) | MAJ S. Ehrnrooth |
• Topographic Service [16] (topografikunta) (located in Otava) | COL J. Laiti |
• Military History Office (sotahistoriallinen toimisto) | COL H. Nurmio |
— War Museum (sotamuseo) | |
• Quatermaster Inspector (taloushuollon tarkastaja) | COL K. Kuokkanen |
• Medical Commander (lääkintäpäällikkö) | Medical MAJ Gen V. Lindén |
• Military Mail Commander (sotapostipäällikkö) | J. Vasarla |
• Ecclesiastic Affairs (sotilaspapisto) | Military Dean J. Brjörklund |
Propaganda Section [17] (propagandaosasto) | LTC E. Honko |
• General Propaganda Office (yleinen propagandatoimisto) | |
• Propaganda Agency (propagandakanslia) | |
[1] Oesch who was simultaneously Chief of Staff of Supreme HQ and thus commander of SHQ.
[2] Dealt with Officer selection and promotions, day-to-day operation of the SHQ itself, including guarding it, as well as insuring all orders are received and transmitted.
[3] Dealt with TO&E and how units are supposed to be supported, subordinated and led. In essence, if army had a functional organization.
[4] Dealt with personnel replacement, prisoners-of-war, and conscription issues.
[5] In charge of Area Military Police (alueellinen sotapoliisi)and Mobile Military Police (liikkuva sotapoliisi)units.
These units were formed from civilian police reinforced with volunteers and elderly men.
They guarded critical places, military installations, carried out traffic control, and looked for enemy spy parachute drops.
Also responsible for guarding POW movement from troops to POW camps. All units were assigned to the field forces.
[6] Units retained their peacetime unit names.
[7] Created on 16.10.1939. [8] This was effectively a Military Intelligence Office during the war.
[9] This Office had two desks: The 1st Office was liaison between defence forces and foreign military attaches stationed in Finland.
The 2nd Office ran Finnish military attaches stationed in the Soviet Union, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Germany, France, the British Empire, Italy, Spain, and the USA.
[10] Had four Sub-Offices (alitoimisto)in Viipuri, Sortavala, Kajaani and Rovaniemi.
It dealt with agent intelligence and interrogation of POW s as well as sending its own long range patrols into enemy territory.
[11] Dealt with signals intelligence and deciphering. It's main component was the SHQ Signals Intelligence Company (päämajan radiotiedustelukomppania).
[12] In charge of protecting vital installations and their personnel, surveillance of said personnel, investigating espionage and high treason, as well as surveillance of civilians.
[13] Effectively the public face of this group that dealt with running the office.
[14] Dealt with private mail, newspapers, radio and other mass media. [15] This was main brains of Defence Forces and general staff. It created and lead actual operations.
[16] Main units were Map Storage Units: [karttavarasto 1 (at Otava), karttavarasto 2 (at Lappeenranta) and karttavarasto 3 (at Jyväskylä)].
There was also the Topographical Company (topografikomppania)which did mapping work necessary for new maps, which was initially at Otava, later moving to Jyväskylä.
[17] This section's main official unit was the Defence Forces Message Center (puolustusvoimain sanomakeskus) that distributed the official military news.
It worked in close cooperation with the Propaganda Union ("Propagandaliitto Cy") a civilian association that had created a prewar "Finlandia Uuutistoimisto",
which became the Defence Forces Information Service (puolustusvoimain tiedotuslaitos), charged with creating and distributing gray and black propaganda for domestic and foreign consumption,
under names such as "Finlandia Uutistoimisto", "Finlandia Presstjänsten" and "Finlandia News Service".
The Homeland Protection "Maan Turva" was civilian association that carried out distribution of games, news material, films and programming to troops
in cooperation with the Defence Forces Propaganda Office. The Swedish language version was called "Hembygdsfronten".
This organization was created by the ultra-nationalistic civilian association "Akateeminen Karjala-seura".