Home Page World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations Last Updated 03.04.2017
Royal Yugoslav Armed Forces
Sources and Research Assistance

The infantry division organization was provided (in Serbian) by Aleksandar Pantelic, based his research in the Vojni Arhiv (Military Archives) in Belgrade. Any mistakes in translating his material are mine.

Many thanks to Radovan Nesic of Toronto, Canada, and Gaj Trifkovič of Vienna, Austria for their translating help.

Abt. Fremde Heere West (IV)
Die Jugoslavische Kriegswehrmacht, Stand 1.01.1941
(From German: The Yugoslav Armed Forces on 01.01.1941)
OKH/GenStdH/OQuIV-Abt.Fr.H.Ost(I)/Nr. 670/40 gkdos.
(Classified study by the Foreign Armies Intelligence Section, East German Army High Command from 1940)

Center of Military History
The German Campaign in the Balkans (Spring 1941)
US Government, Washington, DC, 1984

Francesco Fatutta and Franco Covelli
1941: Attack on Yugoslavia
Armies and Weapons, Nos. 15 and 17, Zug, 1975

Hans-Adolf Jackobson (Editor)
Kriegstagebuch Generaloberst Halder
(From German: The War Diary of General Halder)
Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1963

Jerko Kačic-Dimitri
Das Ende der königlich jugoslawischen Flotte
(From German: The End of the Royal Yugoslav Navy)
MARINE — Gestern, Heute
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Österreichische Marinegeschichte
No. 1, March, Vienna, 1988

I.S.O. Playfair
The Mediterranean and Middle East, Vol. II
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1956

Chistopher Shores, Brian Cull, Nicola Malizia
Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete 1940-1941
Grub Street, London, 1987 (Reprinted 1999)

ратни — Састав, наоружање, и опрема војске — Сгр. Пов. Ђ. Бр. 755/1936
министарство војске и морнарице краљевине југославије
(From Serbian: 1936 Directive on the Formation and Organization of the Military in Mobilization and War.
Ministry of the Army and Navy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia)
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