Kamen Stoyanov Nevenkin
Sofia, Bulgaria Many thanks for your input. Christopher Buckley "Five Ventures" HMSO, London, 1954 Robert Gardiner (Editor) "Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922 - 1946" Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 1984 Guive Mirfendereski "A Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea: Treaties, Diaries, and Other Stories" Palgrave Macmillan, 2001 I.S.O. Playfair, et al "The Mediterranean and Middle East" Vol. II History of the Second World War - United Kingdom Military Series HSMO, London, (3rd Impression) 1974 Christopher Shores "Dust Clouds in the Middle East" Grub Street, London, 1996 Richard A. Stewart "Sunrise at Abadan: The British and Soviet Invasion of Iran, 1941" Praeger, New York 1988 |