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World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations | Last Updated 27.09.2018 |
— The Ground Forces to March 1941 — |
HUNGARIAN ARMY Administrative Order of Battle (March 1941) |
FIRST ARMY [Budapest]
Ist Corps [Budapest] 1st Infantry Brigade [Budapest] 1st Infantry Regiment 31st Infantry Regiment 1st Artillery Regiment 2nd Infantry Brigade [Budapest] 2nd Infantry Regiment 32nd Infantry Regiment 2nd Artillery Regiment 3rd Infantry Brigade [Budapest] 15th Infantry Regiment 45th Infantry Regiment 3rd Artillery Regiment IInd Corps [Székésfehérvár] 4th Infantry Brigade [Székésfehérvár] 3rd Infantry Regiment 33rd Infantry Regiment 4th Artillery Regiment 5th Infantry Brigade [Györ] 16th Infantry Regiment 46th Infantry Regiment 5th Artillery Regiment 6th Infantry Brigade [Komárom] 22nd Infantry Regiment 52nd Infantry Regiment 6th Artillery Regiment IIIrd Corps [Szombathely] 7th Infantry Brigade [Sopron] 4th Infantry Regiment 34th Infantry Regiment 7th Artillery Regiment 8th Infantry Brigade [Szombathely] 5th Infantry Regiment 35th Infantry Regiment 8th Artillery Regiment 9th Infantry Brigade [Nagykanizsa] 17th Infantry Regiment 47th Infantry Regiment 9th Artillery Regiment |
SECOND ARMY [Budapest]
IVth Corps [Pécs] 10th Infantry Brigade [Kaposvár] 6th Infantry Regiment 36th Infantry Regiment 10th Artillery Regiment 11th Infantry Brigade [Pécs] 8th Infantry Regiment 38th Infantry Regiment 11th Artillery Regiment 12th Infantry Brigade [Szekszárd] 18th Infantry Regiment 48th Infantry Regiment 12th Artillery Regiment Vth Corps [Szeged] 13th Infantry Brigade [Kecskemét] 7th Infantry Regiment 37th Infantry Regiment 13th Artillery Regiment 14th Infantry Brigade [Szeged] 9th Infantry Regiment 39th Infantry Regiment 14th Artillery Regiment 15th Infantry Brigade [Szabadka] 20th Infantry Regiment 50th Infantry Regiment 15th Artillery Regiment VIth Corps [Debrecen] 66th Border Guard Group 16th Infantry Brigade [Szolnok] 10th Infantry Regiment 40th Infantry Regiment 16th Artillery Regiment 17th Infantry Brigade [Debrecen] 11th Infantry Regiment 41st Infantry Regiment 17th Artillery Regiment 18th Infantry Brigade [Békéscsaba] 19th Infantry Regiment 49th Infantry Regiment 18th Artillery Regiment |
THIRD ARMY [Budapest]
VIIth Corps [Miskolc] 19th Infantry Brigade [Miskolc] 13th Infantry Regiment 43rd Infantry Regiment 19th Artillery Regiment 20th Infantry Brigade [Eger] 14th Infantry Regiment 44th Infantry Regiment 20th Artillery Regiment 21st Infantry Brigade [Losonc] 23rd Infantry Regiment 53rd Infantry Regiment 21st Artillery Regiment VIIIth Corps [Kassa] 22nd Infantry Brigade [Nyiregyháza] 12th Infantry Regiment 42nd Infantry Regiment 22nd Artillery Regiment 23rd Infantry Brigade [Kassa] 21st Infantry Regiment 51st Infantry Regiment 23rd Artillery Regiment 24th Infantry Brigade [Ungvár] 24th Infantry Regiment 54th Infantry Regiment 24th Artillery Regiment 1st Mountain Brigade [Beszterce] 8th Border Guard Brigade [Munkács] IXth Corps [Kolozsvár] 25th Infantry Brigade [Nagyvarád] 25th Infantry Regiment 55th Infantry Regiment 25th Artillery Regiment 26th Infantry Brigade [Kolozsvár] 26th Infantry Regiment 56th Infantry Regiment 26th Artillery Regiment 27th Infantry Brigade [Marosvásárhely] 27th Infantry Regiment 57th Infantry Regiment 27th Artillery Regiment 9th Border Guard Brigade [Csikszereda] |
Mobile Corps [Budapest] 1st Motorized Brigade [Budapest] 1st Motorized Regiment 9th Bicycle Battalion 10th Bicycle Battalion 1st Armd. Recon. Battalion 1st Mot. Artillery Battalion 2nd Motorized Brigade [Munkács] 2nd Motorized Regiment 11th Bicycle Battalion 12th Bicycle Battalion 2nd Armd. Recon. Battalion 2nd Mot. Artillery Battalion 1st Cavalry Brigade [Nyiregyháza] 3rd Cavalry Regiment 4th Cavalry Regiment 13th Bicycle Battalion 14th Bicycle Battalion 3rd Armd. Recon. Battalion 1st Cavalry Artillery Battalion 3rd Mot. Artillery Battalion 2nd Cavalry Brigade [Budapest] 1st Cavalry Regiment 2nd Cavalry Regiment 15th Bicycle Battalion 16th Bicycle Battalion 4th Armd. Recon. Battalion 2nd Cavalry Artillery Battalion 4th Mot. Artillery Battalion Air Defense Corps [Budapest] 1st Air Defense Brigade [Budapest] 104th Air Defense Battalion 105th Air Defense Battalion 204th Air Defense Battalion 2nd Air Defense Brigade [Budapest] 101st Air Defense Battalion 102nd Air Defense Battalion 201st Air Defense Battalion 202nd Air Defense Battalion 206th Air Defense Battalion 3rd Air Defense Brigade [Budapest] 103rd Air Defense Battalion 203rd Air Defense Battalion 205th Air Defense Battalion 101st Artillery Brigade [Hajmáskér] 101st Hvy. Artillery Battalion (mot) 102nd Hvy. Artillery Battalion (mot) 103rd Hvy. Artillery Battalion (mot) 104th Ind. Hvy. Artillery Bty. (mot) 150th Hvy. Artillery Battalion (mot) 151st Ind. Hvy. Artillery Bty. (mot) 152nd Ind. Hvy. Artillery Bty. (mot) 153rd Ind. Hvy. Artillery Bty. (mot) 154th Ind. Hvy. Artillery Bty. (mot) |