1st Reserve:
Crew reduced for replenishment and other administrative/budgetary reasons.
Carrying a complete armament and working machinery, the vessel was ready to join the fleet,
but not included in the Combined Fleet roster. This measure often precluded (or concluded) an extensive overhaul.
2nd Reserve:
Minor refits, repairs, and maintenance works, not necessarily conducted at the home port.
The crew was reduced by 20 per cent.
Vessel not operational.
3rd Reserve:
Extensive overhaul, conversion or modernization at the home port.
The crew was reduced by 50 per cent.
Vessel not operational.
4th Reserve:
Major repair or extensive modernization at the home port. The armament was mostly landed.
The crew was reduced by at 80 per cent, maintenance conducted by shore personnel.
Vessel not operational for a substantial period.
Following the outbreak of the war the 4th Reserve was sometimes used for a lost vessel as an administrative measure
preceding the reassignment of its survivors,
and before the removal of that vessel from the Naval List.
With thanks to Sander Kingsepp